Business Facilitation Services

Bring clarity to your organization’s mission and goals.

Hello, I’m Guillermo.

I bring into my work the insights and strategies I gained from my thirty years of management experience as mayor of Denver and in the engineering industry. I know how to bring people to consensus on a common mission. 

Get buy in from all your employees in a fun, participatory way.


Consensus building is best done in a fun environment that promotes a joyful connection and appreciation from every person involved.

My facilitation methods prompt your workforce to recognize their individual and collective value and put an end to growth resistance while they reach for their personal greatest vision. Then we show them how these fit into your organization’s larger vision. 

While it is important to focus on the what and why of an organization, it is also important to get buy in on the how.

This is done by helping you articulate the kind of work environment you want to create. This is important, because support for their organization happens for employees when they feel they can be themselves and are appreciated for their contribution. My facilitation style encourages both workforce and management to appreciate the role of the other so they may create a friendly work environment where people are free to share dreams, ideas and concerns.


Create an open atmosphere where everyone feels free to share dreams, ideas and concerns.



Improve the effectiveness of your organization.


My facilitation methods prompt your workforce to recognize that cooperation, support and heartfelt commitment to the organization’s direction is one of the greatest gift’s in one’s career.

Committed employees make a greater effort and are willing to go the extra mile to support their colleagues and management. Everyone longs to be proud of what they do and to be a part of a great organization. When your employees make this transformation, the sky is the limit for what your organization can accomplish.

Experience counts

Having spent decades building consensus among elected officials and community groups, boards and task forces, I know what it takes to bring people together for a common cause. From my experience in running large organizations, I am also aware what it takes to build a healthy work environment where everyone can thrive and produce their best. these are the talents I bring to the table as a facilitator.

My Latest Insights

Life Purpose Becomes More Powerful as You Mature

Life Purpose Becomes More Powerful as You Mature

It is common to believe we were all wired to be something special, but does this mean it is just one purpose for every lifetime? Is this special something connected to a career or accumulating wealth? These two questions are worth pondering, especially since as parents, teachers and mentors, we will teach new minds about how to find their life’s meaning.

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Is Life a Physical or Spiritual Experience?

Is Life a Physical or Spiritual Experience?

Recently, a movie came out based on a book by Garth Stein titled, The Art of Racing in the Rain. Enzo, the story’s principal character, is a dog and he narrates the story. Enzo believes the canine existence is an apprenticeship to becoming human. How a dog develops in his/her life will determine whether they will return to a new life as a person or not. What the movie depicts is the canine version of the saying “Live, evolve or repeat”.

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What Does Finding Your Life Purpose Mean?

What Does Finding Your Life Purpose Mean?

Religious leaders tell us we were not created by accident, for we came into this world with a purpose the world needs. So, does this mean you have some special job or assignment given to you to fulfill? If so, are your life circumstances and fate aligning to get you to perform that incredible mission that will save the world? Or, is your life purpose the ability to find and pursue your passions and do good with them, whatever they may be?

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