Coaching for Personal Development
Find the power within you to overcome obstacles and experience your best life yet.
Personal Development Coaching by Guillermo Vidal
Aging Well | Finding Love After Divorce | Becoming Your Best Self
The coaching you need for the life you crave. Live your best life now.
Uncover your Greatness.
The healthiest minds I know live in the moment. They don’t deny themselves opportunities for joy, as they have aligned their lives to their passions. Unfortunately, most people don’t live boldly like this because he/she believes they are not good enough or worthy of love This is not unusual, as this was something taught to us by our parents, teachers and mentors, but it is an illusion.
A Higher consciousness created you with great meaning and purpose, but you traded this calling for a life adhering to the approval of others and society.
If you are ready to change this, we can do it together.
We can sort through everything in your life that holds you back and identify the things that really matter and fill you with passion. This is the way you want to live and I can help you do it.
Strengthen your mind, body and soul connection
How you see yourself in the world makes a big difference. If you believe we are human beings having a spiritual experience, then you tend to see yourself as separate from the flow of life.
Your perception is limited to the five senses and you count on the external values of the world to measure your self-worth. If you have been living this kind of life, you worry about having the things the world offers, things like beauty, wealth, power, prestige and strength.
You have worried and concentrated on having these things, but you have discovered they have no permanence.
When you work with me, you will learn to see that the opposite of your perception is true; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. There is a Higher Consciousness present in your life that has been quietly waiting for your call.
I can help you reestablish your connection. Your life will improve immensely as you allow your spirit to guide you from the urging within. When this happens, the things of the world become secondary as your body and mind become tools for the spirit to help you gain a more fulfilling life.
Let go of the beliefs that hold you back.
There are many believes that drive your life. Some are quite negative and hold you back. These are mostly fear based, but they are so ingrained in your unconscious mind that you don’t even realize how they are sabotaging your life. Working together, we can identify and eliminate them so they stop their damage. We can also look at other beliefs and values based on love, kindness, acceptance and courage so you can determine how you want to incorporate them into your life.
Why Have Guillermo Vidal as Your Personal Development Coach?
My mentoring is rooted in my own experiences
The best teachers in my life have been those who lived through difficult times and became better for it. This is what I offer you. I’ve had to overcome a myriad of extraordinary life difficulties to become who I am today. I have lived in abject poverty, endured physical and emotional abuse and overcame depression, yet I rose up to lead large organizations with thousands of employees. I’ve had to start life over from divorce and job loss. How was I able to do this? The only way I know how: dogged determination and resilience, which I had to constantly develop, strengthen and refine. These experiences have seasoned and strengthened my character and refined my understanding of our existence. I can help you find this wisdom for yourself.
Most importantly, my experiences helped open my eyes to the Greater Force that is responsible for all that is in existence. This Higher Power created you with great meaning and purpose. I can help you rediscover this. You are a treasure.
Identify your fears and stop basing your decisions on them.
We go through life unconsciously making decisions based on erroneous beliefs we developed when we were children. Together we can identify and tame them so they stop sandbagging your life.
Discover how to let go of toxic relationships in your life.
It is unhealthy to be around people who don’t have your best interests at heart. This can be anyone, including family members. We can identify them together and develop a way to break away from them.
Uncover your greatness.
A Higher consciousness created you with great meaning and purpose, but you have traded this calling and have built your life adhering to the approval of others and society. Together we can sort through everything in your life and identify the things that really matter and fill you with passion.
Let go of the beliefs that hold you back.
Not all the negative beliefs you hold make you fearful. Some make you feel you are not good enough. By working together to identify and eliminate them you can discover the real treasure that you are.
Become grateful for your life just as it is.
Every experience in your life, even those you view as negative, helped create the person you are today. We can examine the valuable lessons they gave you and build gratitude for the person you have become.
Finding Love After Divorce
Learn to love yourself first.
If you cannot love yourself, no one else can do it for you. In order to have more fulfilling relationships in your life, you must first learn to see yourself as a person worthy of love. Together we can help you achieve this state of consciousness.
Reach a place of gratitude.
Although it seems counterintuitive, you cannot attract another until you learn to be happy being alone. Together we can reach this state of gratitude for your singleness and create a state where you may want a romantic partner but not need one.
Know when you are ready to move on from the grief.
The pain of losing a partner can be so great that all you can think about is filling the void that you feel inside. This is disastrous, for if you move into another relationship too fast, you will re-create what you had. We can work through this grief so we can get you to a place where you understand yourself better and can more clearly identify what a fulfilling relationship would be for you.
Own your responsibility for the relationship failure.
Although it is easy to feel like a victim after a breakup, the fact is that you contributed just as much as your partner to the relationship’s failure. Let me help you discover what it is that you do that introduces problems into your romantic relationships so that we can clean them up and improve the quality of partner you attract.
Manage dating.
Looking for a new romantic partner can be a daunting task, especially if you are coming out of a long-term relationship. I can help you get to know the many dating resources out there, like on-line dating, and get you out into your world as a single person again.
Learn to love yourself first.
If you cannot love yourself, no one else can do it for you. In order to have more fulfilling relationships in your life, you must first learn to see yourself as a person worthy of love. Together we can help you achieve this state of consciousness.
Reach a place of gratitude.
Although it seems counterintuitive, you cannot attract another until you learn to be happy being alone. Together we can reach this state of gratitude for your singleness and create a state where you may want a romantic partner but not need one.
Know when you are ready to move on from the grief.
The pain of losing a partner can be so great that all you can think about is filling the void that you feel inside. This is disastrous, for if you move into another relationship too fast, you will re-create what you had. We can work through this grief so we can get you to a place where you understand yourself better and can more clearly identify what a fulfilling relationship would be for you.
Own your responsibility for the relationship failure.
Although it is easy to feel like a victim after a breakup, the fact is that you contributed just as much as your partner to the relationship’s failure. Let me help you discover what it is that you do that introduces problems into your romantic relationships so that we can clean them up and improve the quality of partner you attract.
Manage dating.
Looking for a new romantic partner can be a daunting task, especially if you are coming out of a long-term relationship. I can help you get to know the many dating resources out there, like on-line dating, and get you out into your world as a single person again.
Finding Love After Divorce
Becoming Your Best Self
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Nothing is ever as it seems. Each person, no matter how successful, beautiful, powerful they seem, they are learning from their particularly shaped earth curriculum. What they do or not do has nothing to do with you. Together we can identify and eliminate those things you see in others that you use to keep yourself down.
Live with better values.
We contribute the most to the world when we are living out our passions. Yet, we ignore them if they don’t make us wealthy or raise our status. This is a formula for an unhappy life. Let’s identify how your definition of success may have you chasing things you don’t truly love and let’s realign your values to ones more supportive of your authentic self.
Learn to live in the moment.
We waste a lot of time regretting the things that happened in the past or worrying about what the future brings. When we do this, we lose the moment when we have our greatest power to shape our lives, the present. I can help you become more conscious of what stands in front of you now.
Develop a spiritual practice.
The hustle and bustle of everyday life can keep us distracted from knowing who we truly are. Every human needs time to relax and reflect and there is no better way to do this than to consciously develop a practice where you can find renewal in the silence of your mind.
Strengthen your mind, body and soul connection.
We worry so much about the status of our body and mind that we forget we are spiritual beings. Your life will improve immensely when you allow your spirit to guide you from the urging within. When this happens, the body and mind become tools for the spirit to help you gain a more fulfilling life. I can help you identify your urging.
Guillermo Vidal’s Coaching for Personal Development
A 6-Month Program
- 3 one-hour, one-on-one sessions to develop strategies that align with your goals.
- Two 15-minute check-in phone sessions per month. These are optional.
- Unlimited email support. My response time is within 24 hrs.
You are making a valuable commitment to yourself and your vision! The direction of our work together will be co-created specific to your stated goals. I will give you homework that will be important to your success. The tools and strategies you learn will only be worthwhile and effective if you practice them daily. It will be important that you communicate with me about what is working and what is not each week so we can make whatever adjustments are needed along the way.
I am committed to helping you manifest your vision and goals you have for yourself to create joy and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.
Your Investment:
$300 per month inclusive of all the above stated services.
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The Price:
$100 per session
My Latest Insights
Being Alone does Not Mean You Have to be Lonely
Having spent these past half a dozen years living alone, I have come to terms with the difference between being alone and being lonely. Although they can be related, they are not the same. We may not control or change the factors that led to us being alone, but we don’t have to choose to feel lonely when people are not around. This is an important distinction to make if you want to live a fulfilling life, even when you find yourself alone. Being alone is a physical condition, while feeling lonely is an emotional reaction.
Your Greatest Power is Now
Well, this is a message you heard before, but it bears repeating, your power to change your life begins this very moment. Converting your challenges into triumphs begins with you.
Even Out of the Worst of Things Good Emerges
Going over some old papers, I came across an old Chinese story I heard long ago, and it filled me with hope about our future. I want to share it with you; it goes like this,