Everything you need to handle every situation is within you.
Experience | Achieve | Release
Hello, I’m Guillermo.
Finding relief from your frustrations means meeting challenges head on, fueled by the desire to become your best self. I’ve gone from an orphaned Cuban immigrant to mayor of a major city and from married to single at an age where most couples are settling in to enjoy retirement together. Now, as a mentor, speaker and author I’m passionate about making the world a better place for all by helping others become their best self.
Stories to uplift you, inspire you, and bring you insight about life and the power that we all have within. Buy my books, read them, then tell me what you think (honest opinions only, please).
My Latest Insights
Your Chance to Live Your Best Life is Now
I’ve seen enough throughout my life to have lost my fear of death. This wasn’t always the case. During my twenties and thirties, I was certain I would live forever. Losing loved ones along the way made me realize my mortality, but I did not embrace until.
Eight Things that Strengthen Our Actions
These are the words of fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg, the young woman who captured the world’s spotlight with her protest on the steps of the Swedish parliament building. Her demands; a radical change of government policy to help reverse the trends of climate change.
You Can Manifest the Reality You Want
I love the stories about genies and magic lamps. Imagine rubbing an old magic lamp and having a genie come out to grant all of your wishes. This fantasy has a ring of truth to it, except for you are the genie in the bottle with the power to get for you what you desire.