Whenever people around me talk to each other as though I wasn’t there, I usually crack a line I learned from watching television.“What am I? A Potted Plant?”
Historians credit Brendan V. Sullivan, attorney for Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North during the Iran-Contra hearings with using the first version of this line.
I love using this quip as a humorous way of reminding friends they are ignoring me just as they do any potted plant in the room. But the truth is that we share many things with them.
Twelve reasons we are like a potted plant
Although our human makeup is different from plants, we both;
1) Come from the same creative Higher Consciousness who gave us a life purpose.
2) Draw nourishment from air, water, sun and soil.
3) Can adapt to any situation but do better in loving and supportive environments.
4) Breathe through a particular set of organs, humans use lungs while plants breathe through their leaves.
5) Circulate a substance that provides nutrients and healing for our bodies, humans pump blood while plants use sap.
6) Have an outer protective cover, skin for humans and bark for plants.
7) When confined can become rootbound and need to be replanted so we can grow and expand.
8) Need pruning to get rid of the dying parts that are stealing some of the necessary nutrients we need to grow. Uncluttering is one human version of pruning.
9) Are uniquely created, not one is the same.
10) Are fragile and can be damaged by others
11) Can be taken for granted.
12) Will cease to exist someday.
Everything in this world has purpose
I did not intend to compose some cutesy prose about plants. it is just that humans have a tendency to prioritize our existence over all others. We exploit the world for our purpose without concern for what we are doing to other living things. We ignore the truth that everything is part of a grand plan created by an Infinite and Superior Mind. Even rocks are part of this Creative Being.
Everything in this universe has a spiritual essence and, although we may not see it in all things, like in a potted plant, it exists. Everything has purpose and is part of a greater wisdom we all need to learn.
Remember the next time you see a house plant that it is vitally connected to you. Appreciating all things in this world will give you new pleasure and joy in living.
As always, wishing you a life filled with joy, love and serenity.
Photo by Andy Kirby on Unsplash