Every Decision Has Consequences

Every Decision Has Consequences

One thing you can count on about life is that all roads lead to our individual development. There will be lessons for us no matter what path we chose. Therefore, it is so important not to judge the decisions we make proper or improper, correct or incorrect. Choosing...
Your Greatest Power is in the Now

Your Greatest Power is in the Now

How to prepare for the future was a big part of what my parents taught me. I adhered to their advice for decades on the assumption I could create a future I could plan for today. Little did I stop to reflect on the fact that I could never predict what will happen in...
Living Comfortably Inside Your Skin

Living Comfortably Inside Your Skin

Life is a journey we take alone. This is not a complaint; it is a fact. There is no one else in there with you, so you might as well work to be comfortable while your finite body houses your spirit. The great news is that you are in command and you can choose any...