by Guillermo Vidal | Mar 4, 2019 | Becoming Your Best Self
There is a new scientific theory claiming our thoughts create our reality. This has certainly been my experience. The self-beliefs I threw out into the Universe come back like a boomerang. Scientists know this as the Law of Attraction; New Thought philosophy that...
by Guillermo Vidal | Feb 27, 2019 | Spiritual Development
While walking on the boardwalk that connects my townhome with nine others, I stopped to watch a spider busily building a magnificent web. Then the wind picked up and blew the web back and forth like it was a trampoline. A few minutes later, I saw the web blown into...
by Guillermo Vidal | Feb 25, 2019 | Becoming Your Best Self
There was a time when I was certain I had it all together. My old self, or ego, ruled my life with what appeared to be a reliable set of rules and beliefs forged out of my many experiences. My life worked pretty well then, and I loved and revered my ego’s beliefs....
by Guillermo Vidal | Feb 20, 2019 | Becoming Your Best Self
Serving as manager of public works for the City of Denver was one of the most challenging jobs I ever held. Among the myriad of responsibilities, I was in charge of the Waste Management Branch. These are the folks who picked up the trash and recycling citywide. There...
by Guillermo Vidal | Feb 18, 2019 | Aging Well
When recovering from a major loss, it is not surprising to long for a return to the way things were. But for as tempting as it is to pass the time wishing for things to return to “normal”, the fact is you are just wasting important energy needed to facilitate your...