Before I Die, I Want To……..

Before I Die, I Want To……..

Making a bucket list is a popular and necessary thing to do. It is important to have goals and dreams in life for, no matter your age, there is a limit to our time on earth. Many put these lists together, but the items don’t get done. The usual excuses for postponing...
Is It Safe to Reveal Your True Self to Others?

Is It Safe to Reveal Your True Self to Others?

I have been pondering this question ever since an old memory of a warning my father had given me long ago came up during my meditation time. His words of caution were thus; “Never reveal who you are to others for they will use that information against you.” From the...
People Are Doing the Best They Know How

People Are Doing the Best They Know How

One of the most difficult concepts to understand is that people—no matter how evil or unethical you think they are—are doing the best they can. Yet, it is factually true, because, just like us, they have been shaped by the environment they were born into and the...