Overcoming the Damage of a Troubled Childhood
I could have titled this piece “How to forgive your abusers”, but I think surviving a troubled childhood is about a lot more than forgiving those who made you suffer. It is about understanding how a troubled childhood has affected your life and kept you from becoming the best you were meant to be.
Coveting a Trophy Partner is About a Lot More Than Just Sex
Sexual attraction is about the most exciting human experience I can think of. If you are like me, then you know it is difficult to think objectively about a person when you are sexually attracted to them.
Where Does One Go to Find Ourselves?
We know where to get our problems fixed. You take a toothache to a dentist, cold to a doctor, sore back to a chiropractor. We get a massage to help us loosen up and relax. Dieticians give us advice on what to eat. Many have ready lists ranging from plumbers to mechanics to deal with the myriad of external problems that can be present in our lives. It is interesting to see how decidedly we act to fix a leaky faucet yet ignore the spiritual signs we lost ourselves.
When Surrounded by Darkness, You Must Learn to Shine Your Light
Light and darkness struggle with each other throughout our lives. We can see this battle played out in family relationships, romantic partnerships, the workplace, community, nation and the world. Sometimes this fight can be so fierce that it can leave you feeling powerless and overwhelmed. But, even in the difficulty of living through oppressive and abusive times, we must choose the path of light so that the darkness does not crush our spirit.
Does “Fake it Until You Make it” Really Work?
Neuroscientists have discovered that your thoughts create your reality. This is easy to understand when you realize that you created your current life based on what you believe about yourself and the world.
Stop People Pleasing Your Life Away into Oblivion
We often think of an addiction as an illness related to substance dependency, but it is much more than that. A type of behavior can also be an addictive, like a sexual addiction or being a workaholic. In simple terms, an addiction is a coping mechanism your ego helped you establish so you could feel better or to handle stress or suffering.
You Can Manifest the Reality You Want
I love the stories about genies and magic lamps. Imagine having the ability to rub a magic lamp and have a genie appear to grant all of your wishes. This great fantasy has a ring of truth to it, except there are no magic lamps to rub; you are the genie with the power to grant your wishes.
It is our Moral Duty to Make Things Better
These are the words of the fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg who has been protesting on the steps of the Swedish parliament building for the past month. She is demanding a radical change of government policy to help reverse the trends of climate change.
Being There When Someone Close to You is Dying Provides One of Life’s Greatest Moments
Although it is no secret that the sand in the hourglass of our lives has been draining since the day we were born, we avoid talking about death.
Why It is Important to Follow Your Heart Wherever It Takes You
Although we have been getting heart messages from the time we were born, it is difficult for most of us to understand it means to follow your heart. We are so accustomed to getting our cues to happiness from external sources we have lost touch with our inner urgings.
You Were not Meant to Live Without Purpose, so Get Off Your Ass and Find Something Meaningful to Do.
In whatever form it is that you know the creative source of all things (God, Higher Power, Allah, etc.), one thing is certain, this is Higher Being is growing, creating and evolving. Created in his/her image and likeness, we were meant to live every minute in the same way so that we may help enlarge the greater good.
How to Roll with Life’s Punches
This phrase is a boxing term used to explain how a fighter can angle themselves in a way that takes the sting out of the opponent’s blow. In...
How to Delight in the Wrinkles on Your Face
Botox and cosmetic fillers are all the rage these days to get rid of wrinkles. This is the inevitable outcome of our societal definition of beauty. Youth is beautiful and showing your age is not. Middle-aged people spend billions to fight back the ravages of growing old.
Your Connection to the Creative Force of the Universe is Proof there is a Higher Power at Work in Your Life
Dr. Wayne Dyer tells the story about an agnostic surgeon friend who was bragging about never finding evidence of God. “I have cut people open by...
The American Dream You are Chasing is a Hoax
From the moment you were born, the surrounding people—parents, siblings, teachers, extended family—have been helping to mold you into a member of society. This is not a bad thing, for had our ancestors from the Stone Age not formed societies, our species would not have survived. These early efforts proved that the good of the whole was greater than the sum of the good of individual parts.
The Person Stopping You from Being all You Can Be is You.
I have tried every scheme known to humans on how to avoid taking responsibility for my life. All of my failures were somebody else’s fault, or they stacked the odds against me. My list is long on excuses and short on accountability.
The Media is not the Enemy of the People, but Here is How It is Failing Us
Early in my thirty-six plus years career in government, my bosses sent an intensive training class on how to deal with the media. One lesson from this course still resonates with me today because it is so relevant to the state of media affairs. The instructors presented this lesson in the form of a metaphor to help illustrate how news outlets decide whether to report on a story.
If You Don’t Believe it is Great to be You, then You Have to Make Some Changes
No, you say! Your life has not turned out the way you planned. You believe they left you out because you don’t possess the right job, partner, car, looks, money and the list go on. Time has left you feeling isolated, ridiculed, and unloved. Why would this be so great?
Remember to do these Six Things to Get You Past the Holidays Feeling Fine
With the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade kicking off the official Christmas Season, I am reminded of the things that have helped me transcend them over the years.
A Love that Lasts is More than a Feeling, it is a Choice
The two failed marriages on my ledger may detract from my credibility when writing about love, but the lessons in them are important ones to share.
Here Are Three Ways to Surround Yourself with People Who Help You Become Your Highest Self
Not all relationships are healthy for you. This applies to anyone around whether they be family members, friends you grew up with, coworkers, religious leaders and so on.
Life Becomes Much More Satisfying When You Allow Things to Happen on Their Own Perfect Timing
I used to get stressed out when the things I wanted to materialize where not happening in my desired timing. I wasted a lot of years pushing, striving and trying to break down the barriers that were keeping me from that next promotion, having more money, finding a romantic partner, forming a family, etc.
Repeating Lies Does not Make them True
We have all grown up with certain negative beliefs about ourselves. Some of us think we are flawed, unworthy of love and never good enough. Life has reinforced these opinions until they convinced us they are true, but they are not. They are self lies we mindlessly repeat, and they became the foundational pillars where we base our current lives. Although they are not real, these lies have taken you away from your true center and they are sabotaging the joy right out of your life.
If You Want to be Successful at Anything, Learn to be Calm
I used to get really upset after missing a critical shot during a tennis match. It was not unusual for people to hear me drop an f-bomb or two...
If Your Life has Become an Unthinking Routine, it is Time to Make Changes
I am all set to move to from my current home to another town all the way across Florida. For as far back as I can remember, I have dreaded moving, for it can resurface the feelings of fear and abandonment I experienced on the day my parents put me on a plane bound for the USA seeking political asylum. I was a ten-years-old then, but the memories still linger as though this happened an hour ago.
How the Six Most Important Lessons I Have Learned About Life (So Far) Help
Life is full of important lessons. I remember how proud I was when I learned to drive a car, balance a checkbook, change my babies’ diapers. But these pale in comparison to the importance that the following seven lessons have meant to my life.
When Death Takes Someone Close to You, a Part of You Dies with Them. That Doesn’t Have to be a Bad Thing
No one will survive their journey on this earth, yet that knowledge does nothing to ease the pain of losing someone close to us. Dealing with the heartache of such a loss can be one of life’s most difficult challenges.
An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth is the Dumbest Advice I Ever Got
Nothing damages our psyche more profoundly than the betrayal, abuse, humiliation, larceny and abandonment from the people in our lives. These can be life changing traumas that can affect us for years. The unbearable pain you feel can lead you to anger and to want to get even with those who hurt you, but I have found that it is not wise to pursue revenge.
Five Things You Can do Today to Help You Live Your Best Life
Are you living your best life today or are you waiting for some miracle to make that happen? Chances are you are reading this because you are traveling on a life path you never picked. This is not uncommon, for most people are living an unconscious life where they don’t know what they want.
Life Changes are Inevitable. Here are Five Ways to Help the Accompanying Fear and Pain Transform You
I am a sucker for scary shows. I’m not talking about the gore fest like in The Saw movies, I am referring to the mind-bending stories you think imitate real life. One of these movies is Silence of the Lambs. Actor Anthony Hopkins is terrifying as Hannibal Lecter. I have watched this movie more than a dozen times and every viewing has given me the same chills as the first time (I have no explanation as to why I continue to frighten myself watching this movie).
How You Answer this Question Can Help You Determine Your Level of Crazy.
They credit Albert Einstein for saying,
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Although perhaps this is too simple a definition for such a serious mental illness, it describes the irrational trap we humans fall into when confronted with life challenges.
Life is Not a Battle Between Good and Evil, It is About Choosing to Become Our Highest Self
I can still recall the old cartoon image of the two angels who stand on our shoulders giving us advice. The good angel stands on the right shoulder and whispers in one ear while the bad one sits on the left murmuring in the other.
How I Lost My Life but Lived to Tell the Story
From the day we entered this earth, we have all been taking part in our life’s cycle of death and rebirth. Several weeks ago, Dr. Christine Bradstreet, a blogging friend, showed this universal phenomenon when she wrote about how she rose from the ashes of a difficult childhood to discover God, true love and a life purpose of giving others the love and support missed out on as a child. She challenged a few of us to do the same so that our readers might see how the loss of our old lives plants the seeds of our resurrection. It is true, you can survive an ending and live to tell the story.
Embodying the Example We Learned From Our Mentors is an Essential Part of our Self Development
all the attention given recently to the life of Senator John McCain leaves no doubt that he was a great influence to many. The wonderful stories about how he touched the lives of those around him reminded me of the people who have been my great mentors.
It Makes no Sense to Rush Armageddon, Work Instead to Create a Better World
Apocalyptic stories are all the rage again in our culture. The popularity of shows like The Walking Dead and The Handmaid’s Tale provide ample proof. There have always been stories about the world’s end. I grew up in the sixties with novels like On the Beach and Fail Safe that were popular when the fear of nuclear annihilation was at its zenith. A few years ago, movies 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow projected what could happen if humans do nothing about global warming. The Terminator movies (my favorites! Home of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s immortal line, “come with me if you want to live!”) take a fatal bent on our reliance on technology.
Being Alone Does Not Mean You Have to Be Lonely
Having spent these past three years living alone, I have come to terms with the difference between being alone and being lonely. Although they can be related, they are not the same. While we are unable to control or change the factors that led to us being alone, we don’t have to choose feeling lonely when people are not around. This is an important distinction to make if you want to live a fulfilling life even when you find yourself alone.
Official Announcement: Catch and Release, Guillermo Vidal’s Latest Book, is Now Available!
After three years in the making, my new book, Catch and Release; One Man’s Improbable Search for True Love and the Meaning of Life, is now available. You can order it on Amazon and in the Kindle version. For those of you who would like an autograph copy, you can order from my website, guillermovidal.me, and purchase the book in hard-copy or paperback.
Do You Know Why Disappointments are so Painful? Because They Are Worth It
Life is a school. While I can’t be certain if death is part of our graduation ceremony or if our efforts become another point on some kind of learning curve, one thing is certain, no one can skate through life without experiencing failure and disappointment.
I Was Forcibly Separated From my Parents as a Child, Here is How This Impacted My Life
Every parent dreams of giving their children a better life. This desire is not just based on love for our offspring, if you have experienced setbacks—who hasn’t—you know life can bring you to your knees, so you want to spare your children from experiencing a similar fate. Yet, no matter how hard we try, we cannot protect our kids from the pain that comes from trauma.
The Four Characteristics that Assure the Quality of a Leader
No matter how much we wish it, power, fame, money, status or an important title do not make leaders. Since I have never heard of an instance where god descended from heaven to anoint a leader, at least not in my lifetime, then we must have a way we can use to identify them ourselves. Looking for these four characteristics do that for me.
I Am Not Afraid of Dying, but I do Fear not Living as I Was Meant To Live
My mother was the last remaining member of my family from her generation. Her death a year ago Christmas Eve was another reminder that my turn is coming. I know no one will survive this journey, but that doesn’t bother me anymore, for I made peace long ago with the fact that my days will end (hopefully not for quite a while yet).
The Older I Get, the Stronger the Desire to Find My Tribe. Here Are Eleven Signs to Help You Discover Yours
Unless you have been living in isolation from people in some monastery hidden in Nepal, the rest of us know there are people in this world we don’t belong with. Nobody warned us about this when we were young. In fact, someone taught us the opposite. My parents taught me as a child to respect and obey adults and I took this value with me throughout the years.
Why You Should Do What You Love Even if Money and Fame Do not Follow.
I have lost count of how many versions of “do what you love, and the money will follow” I have seen. Many modern self-help gurus make this promise to convince us to do what we love to do. Some insist that we take daily steps in that direction, like writing your goals on a journal, repeating affirmations and praying to god to grant our desires.
Love is the Mightiest Force in the World, Here Are Five Ways to Experience Its Power
Love is the most overused word in our language. We use love with the same reckless abandon we reserve for other four-letter words. Because love has been used to describe how we feel about everything, we lessened its meaning; to sense a strong or constant affection for another person or group. Here are some examples, we love a television show, or tacos or our hometown football team. We love our home, our car, and our office. We love sunsets, the mountains and the beach. We even love beer and hotdogs.
In Order to Live a More Fulfilling Life, Old Dogs Must Learn New Tricks
One of the great myths in our society is that the older we get, the more set in our ways we become. We have been convinced that, as people grow older, they become more closed minded and stop learning and growing. This is implied by the old axiom:
You can’t teach an old dog a new trick
Yes, You Too Can Be a Superhero
The rising popularity of superheroes in our culture caused me to wonder if every individual possesses a super power of their own. Although Batman and Wonder Woman will only recruit a handful to join the Justice League, the rest of us possess a powerful talent that is worth noting.
Five Surefire Ways that Will Rekindle Your Compassion Towards Those Less Fortunate.
One of the greatest qualities we possess as human beings is our concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. They call this compassion and it motivates us to help those who are experiencing physical, mental or emotional pains. Compassion is the fuel for generosity, kindness and love of our neighbor. It has also kept us from destroying one another (so far, anyway).
Stand UP for What is Right In Times of Chaos and Confusion
There is a lot of talk these days about the tribalism and political polarization that has taken over our public discourse. Nothing seems possible with such hatred for the other side. America is suffering an identity crisis. We seem to have lost focus on the values we once held dear and we struggle to common ground with one another.
I Have Suffered from Severe Depression and Know it Can Happen to Anyone.
In view of the high-profile suicides of high profile celebrities Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, I wanted to write about my past struggle with depression.
Let Us Dedicate Ourselves to Tame the Savageness of Man and Make Gentle the Life of this World
My headline comes from Senator Bobby Kennedy’s speech in Indianapolis, Indiana announcing to the gathered crowd that the Reverend Martin Luther King...
Even the Mightiest Tyrants in Today’s World Have no Power Over You
It is very difficult to ignore the feelings of helplessness that percolate inside when we look at what is happening in our world. Democracy seems to be waning under the boots of tyrants who seem to control all power and can destroy millions at the snap of their fingers. The bad guys seem to be winning and, any day now, we may become pawns at their mercy.
Three Reasons Why Disappointments are a Blessing in Your Life
I am sure you have experienced the pain of disappointment. An unexpected circumstance threw a wrench into your well-laid plans and caused you to fail. If you are willing to look beyond your sorrow, you will find that disappointments can be the key to greater rewards.
You Create a False Life When You Turn Yours Over to the Wishes of Others
Are you wondering if you are living the life you wanted? More than likely, you stopped being the leader of your life somewhere along the line and...
When You Light the Candle of Your Soul, Others Will Also Be Able to See
I remember my time as a member of my high school debate team. The premise for the competitions was simple. Officials choose yearly the topic for discussion. It usually involved a current international policy. Schools submitted several two-person teams to debate the topic with each other in sponsored tournaments. Teams were required to research both sides of the issue to be ready to argue its pros and cons in front of a tournament judge who would decide the winner. By random selection, one team was assigned the pro position and the other team the con. The judge would determine the winner.
Doing These Five Things Will Guarantee You a More Fulfilling Life
I read a bumper sticker the other day that said, “Aging is not for sissies”, and I wondered why we look at aging with such a jaundiced eye. Growing old is a natural and necessary part of life. Since the day we were born, we have been participating in the slow death march all human beings have taken since time began. It doesn’t take toughness to age, it happens automatically and we should embrace it and gather the fruits that are available at every stage of life.life makes available to us at every stage.
Here Are Eight Ways a Daily Meditation Practice Improves Your Life
If you are reading this article, chances are you have discovered that the things you were sure would make you happy are not enough to give your life the meaning you want. You are not alone; millions of people the world over are looking for better ways to find joy and fulfillment in their lives. Meditation can give you what you seek.
If You Are Not Doing These Five Things to Overcome Your Negative Self Beliefs, They Will Smother the Joy Out of Your Life
The older I get, the more I come to terms knowing that my manifested life is ending. This is not a morbid thought at all as it should not come as a surprise to any human the age of reason that life is a journey no one survives. I still believe I have decades to go, but it is time for me to help prepare those who come after me to live more fulfilling lives. This cannot be done if you live guarding those things you fear you will lose.
Eight Red Flags that Help Determine if a Prospective Lover is Right for You
Finding a suitable romantic partner, especially after a breakup or divorce, can leave you confused, exhausted and feeling hopeless.
Why You Need to Get a Workout Buddy to Improve Your Spiritual Fitness
It is by mid-February that many of us realize we will not adopt our New Year Resolutions. This realization opens the door to frustration because we seem incapable of doing things that would be for our benefit, like loosing weight, starting an exercise routine or reduce our consumption of alcohol.
Answer These Eleven Questions to Help Align Yourself with the Life You Desire
Everyone wants to live out his or her dreams. Yet, most of us spend our lives unconsciously doing things we don’t want to do. One day we wake up and realize we wasted our lives following outdated social mores and other people’s advice that have taken us away from fulfilling our greatest potential and desires.
The Most Difficult Challenge for Leaders is Not Choosing Right over Wrong, it is Choosing Right over Right
As a matter of background, I like to describe myself as a having been a “government mule”. For thirty-six years I worked for the public sector in the wonderful state of Colorado. So much of government work demands that you address daily an overburdened load of citizen’s concerns and problems. During these years, I ran a city, a department of public works and a state department of transportation. My experience in these very challenging positions taught me something I didn’t expect. The most difficult choices I had to make did not involve picking right over wrong. On the contrary, the most arduous decisions centered on choosing between two options that were inherently correct.
Ten Tools You Can Use Immediately to Help You Transcend the Stormy Periods in Your Life
It is important to recognize live’s stormy periods so you can grow from them. That is easier said than done because our tendency to sulk about what we perceive to have lost. I know this firsthand after having faced a bevy of challenges throughout my sixty-six years of life.
Seven Signs You Are Experiencing a Time of Rebirth
Life transitions often catch us by surprise. When they happen we can become unnerved and disoriented, especially if we thought we were doing all the right things in our lives. They make it difficult to explain why that dream job you got five years ago has become empty and lackluster. Or, perhaps, the ideal mate that you married has inexplicably become aloof and distant and you fear a divorce is in the offing. At times like these, we become so afraid of the changes we may have to make, that we often chose the road of denial as a way to sidestep the feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. But no amount of disavowing will allow you to escape the inevitable change that is coming into your life.
Nine Lessons a Three Legged Dog is Teaching Me About Life
My daughter Molly, along with her husband, Nelson, and two boys, Quintin and Bauer, love all animals. They have always made room in their home as foster parents to abandoned dogs and cats. Last year they rescued a young dog that had lost one of his hind legs after having been ran over by a car. They named him Falcore after the magic dragon in the movie Never Ending Story, Molly’s favorite movie growing up.
Four Things You Can do to Have More Successful Romantic Relationships
I have never understood why the myths about finding the “one” were initiated, but they promote the idea we were born deficient in some way and must find the corresponding missing half in another. There are many popular expressions to describe that “special someone” waiting to be found. We call them soul mate, better half, kindred spirit, true love, or second self.
The Problem is that American Society Promotes Violence as a Problem Solving Option
Here we go again, another mass shooting and the habitual cycle of madness is off and running. When is this ever going to end? My heart goes out to the victims and families of the senseless massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. I cannot fathom the grief and hopelessness this inexplicable event has promulgated on these innocent people.
Jumping Too Quickly Into Bed Can Really Screw You In a Relationship
Last week I wrote about the illusionary phase of romantic love that I called the “bliss bubble”. Mentioned in my blog were the scientific explanations of how natural hormones and chemicals flood the bodies of two attracted mates to create a sense of wellbeing and compatibility. Today’s topic deals with how the bliss bubble can be prolonged or heightened when the lovers add sex into the mix.
Love at First Sight Is Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be
Our culture is filled with literary works proclaiming the virtues of finding that one true love. Many exalt the virtues of love at first sight as the way of knowing you have found the one. Shakespeare’s tragic play, Romeo and Juliet, come to mind. Their forbidden love began when they cast their eyes on each other. Their passions so strong that they defied all rules and sacrificed everything for each other. Yet, for as romantic the idea of love at first sight might be, the truth is more likely a reflection of the chemical/biological and emotional changes that occur in all of us when we are attracted to someone and they repay our interest with like attention.
There Are No Winners or Losers When it Comes to Love, Only Learners
There is good reason why we take time in the middle of February to celebrate love. Being in Love with someone is an important aspect of the human condition because it allows us to connect to the deepest and most meaningful parts of our lives. Romantic unions give us our greatest chance to evolve into authentic human beings even when we fail miserably.
Having Life in Your Years is What Matters, Your Age Does Not
Until I reached my sixties, I was always a pretty good basketball player. My greatest asset was my jump shot, the result of countless hours spent alone shooting hoops on nearby playgrounds and imagining i played for the Boston Celtics (Denver didn’t have an NBA team yet). I can still remember the drills I conducted; dribble, sprint, stop, jump, raise the ball above my head, launch it with a soft arch towards the rim and……swish! Then repeat; to the left, the right, down the middle…..swish, swish, swish! Every made shot always eliciting a roar from my imaginary crowd.
Doing For The Least Among Us is Essential For Advancing the Human Species
Regardless of where you stand on immigration policy, the comments and actions made about the young immigrants known as Dreamers, Haitians, Salvadorans and those who come from African nations reminded us of our national rancor and division. These events are alarming and upsetting, but if we can put aside our hatred and name calling for the other side, we can learn a valuable lesson that can help push our world forward.
Believing You Are Unworthy is Not Worth a Dime to You or Anyone Else
It is virtually impossible for anyone to get through life without struggling through a myriad of negative or irrational feelings about ourselves. We were exposed to these negative beliefs early in life. In most cases, these harmful “self truths” have been buried so deep in our unconscious mind we don’t even know our actions are driven by them. After successfully weathering the miasma of the holiday season, I was reminded of how our family connections can help regenerate these overwhelming feelings we carry about ourselves. This is why psychologists have contended for decades that our earliest experiences and traumas must be examined and healed to make progress on the road to our highest selves.
A Valuable Life Lesson From the Poorest People of Machu Picchu
Every human was given a valuable life purpose, but it is up to each individual to find it in themselves. A great purpose involves working in symphony others to create a better world. It is greater than the self and that is why it transcends all the elements and forms of self-seeking. It does not demand fame, power or wealth, helping one person is enough. However, it requires an open heart, respect and acceptance for all regardless of who they are and what they do. A divinely given purpose also treasures the planet and understands the need for ecological balance among all living things.
Finding the Greater Good in Everything You Do
I have always envied the Biblical heroes like Moses, Jacob or Abraham. They seemed so lucky as compared to me. God appeared to them and told what to do next. That hasn’t happened for me. In fact, if I ever saw a burning bush, I would take a fire extinguisher and put it out.
The Healing Power of Morning Rituals
Sometimes life is running so smoothly that you are sure you can’t do anything wrong. No matter what direction you take, the wind easily fills your sails and off you go traversing an ocean of calm waters. Other times the wind is so violent and the waves so tall that you are sure your ship will split in two and you will drown.
If You Want A Different World, Become the Change You Wish to See
In the heat of our many discussion, a friend of mined would make fun of me by saying, “Guillermo, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.” This was his good-natured way of pointing out my tendency to share an opinion on everything under the sun whether I knew anything about the subject or not.
Scapegoats Make Lousy Pets
I had a terrible outing playing tennis the other day. By the end of my play I stood completely frustrated with my effort, As I can be prone to do, I eagerly distributed the blame for all that happened. My partner was at fault; the courts were too slippery, the other team made terrible line calls, the sun was in my eyes, and the net was too high. I had a hang nail also, but I don’t think it affected anything, although I am not sure.
A Life Without Purpose is Like a Road Trip Without a Destination
I spent many years creating a plan for retirement. Without thinking much about what retirement meant, I followed the counsel of financial advisors like a mouse running in their maze. I was conviced I was being prudent following their directions, as many commercials seconded their retirement advice.
What the Rock Band The Eagles Teaches About Our Inner Guide
One of my favorite musical groups of all-time is The Eagles. Their music spellbinding and their lyrics always seem to speak to my heart and soul. One of their most popular songs, Lying Eyes, provides a great metaphor for how our inner guide speaks to us and how we choose (or not) to follow its guidance.
Learning To Listen to Your Inner Guide
I have been an agnostic and a great skeptic of any mystical beliefs for most of my life. I considered people who believed in things, like the existence of an inner intelligence guiding us, not to be sane. One day a friend described for me how he deciphered a dream where God spoke to him. Having eaten more than my fill from the banquet of my father’s cynicism, I countered with my own “special” dream. I told him how I had spent the night dreaming I had eaten a giant marshmallow. I professed I didn’t know the dream’s meaning but, after waking, I discovered my pillow was missing.
Turning to External Things for Security and Refuge Guarantees a Life of Imprisonment
As a young child, I had no choice but to rely on those more powerful than me to decide my fate. My parents, of course, played that role in Cuba until I was ten. When mom and dad sent my brothers and I to the United States to escape from Castro’s Cuba, that role was handed over to the authorities running Operation Peter Pan, an American government program that assigned unaccompanied Cuban children to orphanages in all fifty states. When we were sent to Sacred Heart Home In Colorado, I had to rely on the priest and staff in charge of the orphanage. Four years later, the role returned to my parents when we were reunited and moved to Denver.
Embrace What You Hide and Open the Door to Your Authenticity
I have written before about our human tendency to see ourselves as inferior, not good enough, not worthy. Having spent the past few years confronting this negative self-belief, I stumbled across something important, this damaging concept is rooted in something we hide about ourselves. Perhaps it is a terrible event that happened in childhood, or one that caused a painful loss. Perhaps it is something about you that is judged negatively by religious dogma. Whatever it is, this hidden part of yourself keeps you living a limited life and keeps you away from your authenticity. I will illustrate this point by sharing a personal story.
It Is Not About Whether One Sees the Glass as Half Full or Half Empty, It Is About How One Chooses to Evolve
There is a lot to learn about a person from the way they handle trying times. The old saying about the way we describe a partially filled glass of water might predict optimism or pessimism in the observer, but it does nothing to speak of how a person handles themselves during tough times. I believe I am positive person, but I was mediocre in the way I dealt with difficult life events in the past. Ultimately, I get through them, but not without a lot of kicking and screaming along the way. In my twenties and thirties, an old joke went around that seemed to speak to my situation. Here is how it goes.
Six Things You Can Do To Get Through Painful Life Transitions
Life transitions really, really suck! They are always there waiting in every corner of your life to bite you in the ass. Neither age nor wisdom grants you immunity from them. Transitions are some of the most frustrating times in life and every individual will go through them sooner or later. Yet, regardless of the upheaval they cause, transitions are an integral part of our human evolution. Without them we would remain in our own comfort zone and rot
in place.
Tom Petty and Me
I never met Tom Petty, but his music was transformative for me. Some of my favorites were Free Fallin’, Refugee, Learning to Fly, You Don’t Know How it Feels, to name a few. But the one that moved me the most
was I Won’t Back Down. The song became my recalcitrant anthem that was a retroactive middle finger to anyone who ever made my life more difficult. Every time I heard the song I could take myself back in time to flip Fidel Castro off for taking everything my family owned. I flipped off my high school counselor too for insisting I didn’t have the smarts to become an engineer. Even my old boss who laid me off got a well deserved f-bomb. The song also worked in this manner for all kinds of future situations. It made me the hero battling the dragons of my own making.
My Time Living With a Giant Crab
The strangest thing happened to me recently. I was busy writing my blog for the week when a giant crab—shown in the picture above—startled me by scratching on the sliding glass door. I named him Karkinos after the giant crab in Greek Mythology that the goddess Hera placed among the stars to make up the constellation known as Cancer (my birth sign)
If You Don’t Learn To Love Yourself, Others Will Not be Able to Do it Either
I have mentioned several times in my blogs about learning to love yourself if you want to find true love with a
partner. For some of my readers, this term is too vague, and they have requested I explain further what I mean by the phrase “learning to love yourself”.
How To Maintain Your Sanity and Have Fun Dating If You Are Over Age Fifty
I thought I would change the subject from my last several blogs and go back to reflecting on my dating experiences and my attempts to connect with a more authentic self. This is the topic of my new book coming out soon titled “Catch and Release – One Man’s Improbable Search for True Love and the Meaning of Life.”
Four Hurricanes and One Earthquake in Two Months; Are We Nearing the Apocalypse?
Mother Nature has sure flexed her muscles these past few months with her deadly winds, devastating floods and catastrophic tremors. The loss of life and property has been unfathomable and it is hard to see a silver lining in the midst of the rubble.
Last Thing to Do in Preparation for Hurricane Irma’s Arrival
All my hurricane shutters are in place. The car is packed with water, emergency food supplies and clothes to last me for ten days. All of this in preparation and anticipation of the unwelcomed visit that wild bitch, Hurricane Irma, is about to make to my neck of the woods.
There is a Painful Price for Enabling Those Who Behave Destructively
The late American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, is credited with one of my favorite quotes. “When someone shows you who...
How To Stop the Chicken Hawks’ Insane March of Never Ending War
A Chicken Hawk refers to a person who speaks out to support war, yet has avoided active military service all of their lives. The world, unfortunately, has suffered enough of these types of fools throughout its history and we must all do our part to prevent the wars they perpetrate.
This Is Why Every Life Does Matter
As I travel daily down my spiritual path, I noticed my tendency to judge and segregate between the people I like and those I don’t. Try as hard as I can, I cannot erase this trait from my modus operandi. Up to now, this has been an unconscious reflex, but now I know of it and I cannot accept this as a trait that enhances the greater good I am trying to create. If I truly believe we are all made in God’s image and likeness, then I must accept that every life comes from the same source. This can only lead to one conclusion, every life does matter.
Are Your Actions Helping to Create a Greater Good? A Litmus Test For You as Leader
Doing the right thing is not a default position for great leaders to take, it is their only option. While it is important to note a person’s modeled behavior and inspirational speak to determine the level of his/her leadership ability, comportment alone is not enough of a measure. The quality of their decisions must also be part of this evaluation.
Hating Trump or His Critics is Wasted Energy, Put Your Efforts Instead Towards Uniting Those Around You.
Ever since the presidential election, I have listened to nighttime comics poke fun at our new president. Months before, I had stopped tuning in to the news because of the constant bickering between political sides. The laughter relieved my anxiety, but it could not cover up the sense of impending doom waiting just around the corner. Out of all this, a question kept surfacing into my conscious thoughts. “How is insulting and criticizing the President helping or improving anything?”
Playing Russian Roulette With Nuclear Weapons
All of us went to bed last night wondering if our world was heading towards a nuclear war. This morning’s news didn’t make me feel any better, as coverage continues to highlight this Russian Roulette style foreign policy being practiced by two powerful world leaders. It is clear international tensions are reaching a boiling point.
Thirteen Things That Indicate You Must Be In the Middle of a Family Summer Road Trip
A few months ago, my daughter Molly had a brilliant idea. Based on her great memories of the road trips we had taken together when she was a child,...
Waging War, America’s Favorite Political Pastime
While I don’t claim to be an expert in foreign policy, I am old enough to understand that a familiar cycle of creating fear to justify war has already begun. Those of us long in the tooth have witnessed this cycle several times before. In my lifetime this political strategy was used to justify our actions in Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The target is now being painted on North Korea.
Eleven Steps to Help You Age Successfully
It was during my thirties when I first realized that a life based on materialism and self-seeking leaves you with nothing more than an empty spiritual barrel. This was an empty, meaningless life that led me to a scary period of depression and forced me to strip away these false external prophets of happiness. This was a giant step towards spiritual maturity and the discovery of the true meaning of my life.
WTF is The Law of Attraction About?
Having spent the last couple of year ruminating in search of my spiritual path, I came across one of the main tenets of new spiritual thought called “the law of attraction”.
What I Am Telling My Children About The Crap Happening In Our Country
President Donald Trump’s tweets should not surprise anyone anymore. Although their content is unpredictable, the fact he uses Twitter to communicate his thoughts and feelings should be expected. Also predictable is the overwhelming news coverage that the tweets create. Every time I witness the furious fervor raging in the various media outlets, I ask myself, are these actions from a seriously deranged man, or are they an example of a genial mastermind strategically implementing his agenda? You can hear arguments from both sides of madman vs. genius but, since I don’t live inside Trump’s skin, I frankly do not know the answer to my own question. One thing is sure, as an outside witness, I am left to wonder, what should parents be telling their children about the illustrative values being flashed in front of them?
The Past was Not Intended to be Relived in the Present
Whenever I see the slogan “Let’s Make America Great Again”, I am reminded of my body’s physical changes as I have aged. More specifically, I recall the changes I had to make to remain an effective basketball player. Let me explain what my bodily deterioration and a political slogan have in common.
How to Forgive an Unrepentant Abuser
The question of forgiveness has been around me a lot. Perhaps this past Father’s Day made me recall the thorny relationship I shared with my father and mother. A week earlier, as I was cycling in Spain, I had plenty of time to reflect on the topic.
Chasing After a Nurse or a Purse, the Misguided Efforts of Many in their Third Stage of Life
Having just spent ten days in Portugal and Spain riding 300 miles on a bicycle, I got a lot of time to reflect on my ongoing aging process (not to mention a very sore butt). I never realized before how much I feared growing old. As I reflect on my life, I can see how this anxiety progressed in my conscious mind like a slow rot poisoning my disposition with every passing year. This became particularly true when the thoughts of dying destitute and alone surfaced soon after my divorce from the person I believed I would spend the rest of my life with. I am not the only person experiencing this, for many single people over fifty obsess about their impending end. As the baby boomers generation ages, this fear is apparent in an American saying that is growing in popularity, “as we get old, we look to marry a nurse or a purse.”
Which George Orwell Novel are We Living in Today; 1984 or Animal Farm?
Ever since Donald Trump surprised the world by becoming President of the United States, there have been many articles comparing the current American political atmosphere with the one in Orwell’s classic novel “1984”. The recent budget submission by the Trump administration, along with the passage of the AHCA bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, reminded me of another Orwell novel, Animal Farm.
On-line Dating, a Brave New World!
Although one might say that my life has been a long series of encountering and then persevering though many difficult stages, nothing has been more perplexing to me than the issues surrounding love and relationships. At age sixty-five, I found this trial to be more mystifying than ever, especially because of the need to rely on online sites to meet a possible mate.
I Was Sixty-three Years Old When I Realized Nobody Had Taught Me Anything About Dating
This week I am using my blog as a warmup to my new book, Catch and Release, Part I – Adventures in Love, Dating and Self-Discovery During the Latest Stages of Life. I am sure you will enjoy reading this story although I never planned on writing such a follow up to my memoirs, Boxing for Cuba.
With all the BS Proposals to Fix Immigration Reform, How About Resurrecting A Solution That Would Actually Work, Senate Bill 744?
I am sure it does not surprise you when I say Hispanics were feeling differently about the Cinco de Mayo celebrations that just passed, for it is hard to see a positive outcome for immigration reform between the building of a border wall and the new threats about withholding funds for “sanctuary cities”.
Nothing Sucks More than Life Transitions, Yet Nothing is Better for Our Personal Growth
Over two years ago I was coming to terms with the ending of a long-term marriage as well as the conclusion of my formal career. The abrupt removal of these props that I used to hold up my self-image marked a time of deep confusion and identity loss. It was not until the recent months that I embraced the new beginning that is now possible in my life.
The Night of the (Mary) Iguana
I just finished reading an article about how iguanas are spreading into South Florida like a scourge. Apparently, they have outgrown the population...
Would You Turn Down Muslim Blood if You Needed the Transfusion to Live?
As we have all witnessed throughout our lifetimes humans segregate, separate, look down upon, differentiate and discriminate against others that are different. This tendency is ego driven and it provides us with a way to feel superior and more blessed than those we look down upon.
The Truth About the Steady Effects Undocumented Immigrants Have on the United States
Much has been said and written about the negative effect of undocumented (or illegal, the moniker some like to use) immigrants on our nation’s economy, social security system, health care, security and so on. Much of it is false hyperbole used to generate fear among us and stop logical discussion. These are some actual facts to help clarify some of the biggest myths out there.
Seven Practical Reasons for Why We Need Immigration Reform Today
With all of the debate in our country about immigration reform, I am providing a practical summary of the reasons why we need new legislation to help solve this problem. Many solutions have been suggested, like building a wall, but these are inherently rendered useless if the approach to solving this problem is not more comprehensive.
April’s Fool
I wanted to have a little fun and play a part in the long suffering tradition of spreading bad jokes and hoaxes that are part April 1st every year. I have included a very amateruish home video of myself “honoring” the life long and devoted effort that so many people among us dedicate towards perfecting a skill or talent.
An Important Lesson From History for Modern Day America, The Berlin Wall
”Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” These immortal words, spoken on June 12, 1987 by President Ronald Reagan, forewarned the end of the Cold War. Two years later, the Berlin Wall was disassembled, along with Communism in Eastern Europe. After 26 years, the toll was 160 dead, 120 injured and over 3200 people imprisoned trying to cross over from East to West Germany. This victory of U.S. foreign policy marked the beginning of a euphoric time, as it promised to every human being around the globe “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
Creating a Healthy Work Environment
Grudges between coworkers exist in the workplace. This unfortunate happenstance can determine the quality of the work environment in any organization. If leaders project an atmosphere of punishment for errors, they will foster an air of bad feelings and finger pointing among their employees. If they put stock in the value of every employee’s contribution and use mistakes as important lessons to improve, they will succeed in creating an environment where every person has a chance to do their very best.
It is Not a Republican Dream, It is Not a Democrat Dream, It is OUR American Dream, Damn It!
Have you stopped to wonder just what the f— happened to our country? How did things get this out of whack? When did we get here? Why did we loose our sense of a republic, our pride of being the world’s beacon for democracy? When did we start believing that our neighbors who disagree with us are not American? What caused us to think that it is ok for a state to secede from the union? When did we start designating Christians as the only true Americans? Why did we start believing that immigrants are rapists, murderers and terrorists? What are the reasons behind allowing our elected representatives to openly work against our president and our government with no repercussions for their actions? How did it become acceptable for a foreign power to interfere with the way we select our leaders? I could go on and on, but I know you are asking yourselves similar questions.
So You Are Thinking About Immigrating to the United States? Here is a Checklist to Consider Before Making Your Decision
For reasons beyond your control, you happen to find yourself pressured to make a decision that will impact you and your family forever. If this is your case, you are probably living in a country where one or all of the following three scenarios are part of your reality.
Five Telltale Signs of a Leader that Sucks
Throughout the course of my life I have been surrounded by leaders who inspired me to use my gifts and energy towards creating a greater good. My experiences have also exposed me to others who have not cut the mustard. In both cases, I have learned great lessons about the kind of leadership that creates and nourishes the efforts of those around them. Leaders that asphyxiate, paralyze and extinguish the creative effort of the people they represent or manage have also schooled me. Today I chose to write about this other class of leaders because their lessons are so important.
Reflections on Love from the World of the Dearly Discarded
Because February is well know for it’s connection to lovers, I wanted to dedicate my writing efforts to the subject of dating and finding love at any age.
Let’s be honest here, although I don’t want to appear too cynical, the fact is that Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark invented occasion to celebrate romantic love and to bring business to flower arrangers, candy stores, jewelers and stationary/greeting card shops.
A Channel For Peace
I tossed and turned most of last night tormented by the dark atmosphere that seems to be overtaking our country. I feel anger, fear, disappointment and dread. I also seem to be spending a large amount of my waking hours fighting back the urge to live in the imaginary confines of my hopelessness.
Will Building a Wall Reform our Immigration System?
Now that President Trump has officially taken his oath of office, there are many who are hopeful he will follow through on his promise to build the “Wall” on our southern border. Sadly, other than this particular strategy, you don’t hear much more about immigration reform these days.
The Great American Divide
In the spring of 1994, my father disowned me. My crime was that I went to work for Colorado’s Democratic Governor Roy Romer after he had chosen me as his chief of the Colorado Department of Transportation. This political divide between my father and I is emblematic of what is happening to a much larger scale within our country.
The Magical Opportunities Hidden in Life Altering Change
No matter how you perceive the results of this last presidential election, one thing is certain; President Elect Trump’s ascension to power will bring about a monumental change to our United States and probably the world.
The quirky thing about change, whether one considers the nature of what catalyzed it to be good or bad, is that it can become the source of immense stress. I call this phenomenon the “What do we do now syndrome”.
End of Year, Time to Reflect
I always get a bit melancholic as I notch the passing of another year on my life belt. I remember as a young boy how long and tedious our planet’s orbiting around the sun for three hundred and sixty five consecutive days could seem. Now, the years whisk by me like a cool summer’s breeze.
The Greatest Christmas Gift of All; Making Peace With Your Parents
With Christmas Day fast approaching, I am reminded of the paradox that holidays can be in our lives, especially for those of us who have lived with a complex relationship with our parents. On the one hand, these are the times we share with our families to celebrate the love and gratitude we hold for one another. On the other hand, these are the very occasions that revive the hidden pains of growing up in a difficult environment and so we dread the holidays because of the angst we feel towards the very people we hold responsible for our suffering. For this reason, I wanted to write about how I managed to find forgiveness for my parents and, in so doing, become a happier person
My Life with Fidel Castro
By way of introduction, my name is Guillermo Vicente Vidal. There are many titles I have been given which identify my life. I am a youngest son, rebellious teenager, athlete, boyfriend, college graduate, husband, father, stepfather, divorcee, civil engineer, unemployed, government bureaucrat, executive director, political appointee, manager of public works, deputy mayor, mayor, CEO, and now, of course, old man. Yet, the title I most identify with is that of Cuban immigrant.